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Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we come to consecrate to you our persons and our lives. We give you our actions, our desires, our troubles and our sufferings. We give you our communities, our families, our benefactors, and our friends. We wish to live only to honor and love you and bring you glory.

We have made a decision we will not change: to belong completely to you, to do everything for love of you, and to renounce wholeheartedly all that can displease you. It will always be our heart’s desire, and the aim of our efforts, to love you, to embrace your holy will, and to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed.

Therefore we take you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, as the chief object of our love, our all-powerful aid during life, and our secure refuge at the hour of death. We know this, O most tender Heart, you are the faithful friend, the intimate friend of the soul. You are the one who never deceives or betrays. You are also our heritage and our possession. We entrust ourselves to you.

Above all, dear Jesus, aflame our hearts with a deep and abiding trust in your promises. As gold is purified in fire, purify us. Transform us into a burning furnace of charity.

Grant us, O Sacred Heart, holy perseverance. Let our names be written forever in the book of the living with the just who reign with you in the life of everlasting happiness. Amen.

May God be Praised!
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Live Jesus Ministries Prayer
O Love Eternal, let your Holy Spirit inflame my heart with your love. Help me to choose you eternally for eternal is my need for you. O Redeemer, let me die to all other loves in order to live completely in your love. O Savior, help me lead souls to you, so that we may all sing eternally “Live Jesus! Jesus whom I love,” Jesus who lives and reigns forever and ever, Amen.